




Welcome to Muttington's Danish-Swedish Farmdog Database.

Search for dogs and results.
There are currently 31168 dogs in the database and it is updated regularly. 1457 dogs have one or more pictures in their profile.

The database contains dogs from Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and last but not least, USA!

If you have a good picture of your dog or information we could use then write to us at kontakt@muttington.dk.

The story behind the Muttington database
The database has been in development since 2004 and was originally intended for our eyes only. We made it because it was the best way to keep track of all the dogs and their relations and pictures.

When the number of dogs reached 1,000 we decided to make it public so that others could benefit from it.

Ironically when we got that far the Danish Kennel Club announced that they were developing a database :)

Looking for a male for your bitch?
Find one at farmdogmales.com.
Last picture updates

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